Film info
Film summary
Our closest relatives are chimpanzees, with whom we share 98% to 99% of our DNA. But how similar does this actually make us?
Key facts
- Chimpanzees are our closest relatives, with whom we share 98 - 99% of our DNA.
- We have many of the same traits. like expressive faces and long childhoods.
- Yet we have evolved larger brains, opposable thumbs and the ability to talk.
- Discover how a small number of amino acids among hundreds on a single gene could be the key.
Human beings and great apes are part of the same primate family – the hominidae.
Our closest relatives are chimpanzees, with whom we share 98 to 99% of our DNA.
But how similar does this make us?
With almost identical genes, human beings and chimpanzees share several traits...
Our bodies have dexterous …
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